Sunday, April 16, 2023

What is the gematria

Gematria is a method of assigning numerical values to words, phrases and sentences. This ancient practice originated in Hebrew, but it has been used in several other languages as well. In traditional Judeo-Christian texts, this method was seen as part of an holistic picture of the world and the divine. In the past, gematria has been used to study various aspects of the Bible, numerology and astrology for spiritual insight and guidance.

The origin of gematria dates back to early Hebrew philosophy where it was believed that each letter corresponds to a numerical value based on its position in the alphabet. Most (if not all) ancient alphabetic languages shared this tradition. Every letter had a corresponding numerical value ranging from one (1) for Aleph (א), to four hundred (400) for Tav (ת). As a result, when these letters are combined into words or phrases their numerical values can be added up to determine the overall assigned value of that particular word or phrase.

It's believed that there is some greater understanding encoded in numbers so gematria was used to help decipher deeper meanings of sacred texts such as the Bible. For example, many people believe that if two or more words have similar numerical values they could be held up against one another to reveal possible connections between them - either spiritually or symbolically. In fact, some scholars have even argued that gematria can be used to decrypt hidden messages encoded within certain texts.

In recent years, there has been more interest in using gematria as a means for studying occultism and divination – especially amongst westerners. There are now various methods for creating your own personal 'gematriac' which allow you to investigate your own given name or date birth according to this ancient methodology. Similarly, some people make use of online tools like calculators or translation sites which help make Gematria even more accessible and easy to use today than ever before!

See more about jewish gematria

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